Multilingual for travelling in ASEAN Community project aims to facilitate people who want to travel
and communicate with people in ASEAN country. The system supports five languages including Thai, Lao,
Khmer, Vietnamese and English. In order to develop the system, sentences that necessary for travelling are
collected in all five languages. The development system consists of six parts: 1) source and destination
languages setting, 2) category selection, 3) language translation, 4) pronunciation, 5) searching and
6) frequently usage sentences.
- Translate between 5 languages
- 21 category
This software is a work developed by Mr. Chatchai Morthong and Miss. Panida Boonchantuk from Khon Kaen University under the provision of Assit. Prof. Dr. Pusadee Seresangtakul and Dr. Wanna Sirisangtragul